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Protoflora - The Universal Flower


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Go up and smell a live flower or blossom in nature, and, smelling that flower, you will smell hundreds of different molecules.


Certain molecules are characteristic of different types of flowers. There are some scent molecules that "belong" to roses, others to jasmine, others to blossoming trees; and those molecules tend to only be found in those types of flowers. However, although all flowers have their own unique scent composition on an individual level, nearly all living flowers and their scent profiles also share a certain set of molecules in common within their overall fragrance no matter the species, continent, or cultivar.


This group of molecules, which we could call a scent signature, is a sort of “life-blend” that is given out in nature by living flowering things and nothing else.


We recognize this signature intuitively, primordially; and we are not the only animals to recognize it. It says to us, concretely: “here something blooms”.


In nature this scent signature of universal floralcy never appears alone; it always appears surrounded by other molecules and is semi-hidden within the larger identity of this or that flower. But here it is, this statement from nature, presented alone.


Example of use: Because Protoflora is identical to the scent signature of living floralcy that we have evolutionarily gained awareness of, "adding" Protoflora on top of objects essentially generates an illusion, in your own mind, that that item is in bloom. It can be sprayed on apples, tomatoes, yourself, others... you can turn anything into a flower. 

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